PTA is an organization composed of parents and teachers that are committed to promote the welfare of the children at home, school and the community. The purpose of the PTA is to build a strong and close relationship between the home and school for parents and teachers to work together towards a common goal in the education and well-being of children; make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
It aims to support our children’s education at Neev Academy by providing memorable student events, worthwhile fundraisers, and social gatherings for parents, teachers and students alike.
The PTA is organized through democratic elections of volunteers. The PTA executives will liaise with the school on planning and carrying out PTA sponsored events. Class parents communicate between the PTA and the parents of their grade level on events organized and/or sponsored by the PTA. Elections are on an annual basis.
We are committed to:
- strengthen students’ identity
- forge stronger relationships with people and the environment
- give opportunities for school community members to make an impact on student life
In order to fulfill our aims, we:
- Provide fun and educational experiences for the students at the school so that they can grow closer together as a community.
- Enhance the parent community at the school by providing transition events for new families.
- Provide a communication network for student internships and other extra-curricular events sponsored by the school
- Provide a communication link between the teachers, parent body, and student government for school-wide events.
PTA is not involved in school operations, governance, finance or school policy.
Parents may be invited to Committees during times of accreditation self-studies, school visits by accrediting bodies, and as volunteers for events such as the school-wide Literary Festival or Sports Days. These initiatives are separate from PTA-and school agreed collaboration on events for the Neev Academy children.